Sunday, October 6, 2019

Faithful and Friendly

Once there was an old man called Ramu.  He had a dog named ''Tommy'.  Ramu was taking good care of him.
Tommy was also very faithful and friendly with Ramu.

Years passed by and Tommy grew old. Ramu started neglecting Tommy.  One day he severely beat Tommy and abandoned him to a distant place.  

Tommy the dog felt let down.  He started searching his master and reached a few streets near Ramu's house.  A school girl named 

Dhriti found Tommy and took him to her house.  She started taking special care of him. 

One day a gang of robbers looted Ramu's house during the night.  Ramu felt sad and remembered that if Tommy were to be with him, he could have caught the robbers.

Another day the same gang of robbers tried to loot Dhriti's house.  Old Tommy gathered all his strength and barked.  All neighbors got up and caught hold of the robbers.  The robbers were handed over 

to the police.  The police found that the gang had earlier looted Ramu's house.  All the valuables were recovered and were handed over to Ramu.

Ramu realized his mistake.  He came to Dhriti's house and requested that Tommy be returned to him.  Tommy was very happy to see his old master.  Dhriti warned Ramu to take care of Tommy very well.  Thus Ramu and Tommy were united once again.

MORAL:  Dogs are faithful and friendly.  Never neglect them when they become old.


_ A short story written by Gowri N Prasad


  1. Like that After Ramu become old his son and and family send Ramu to Vruddashrama. Ramu felt lonely and sad crying and Grandson came and once again he returned back to home.The moral Grandson better than Son

  2. Congrats Gowri. Very good and keep it up!

    From Anasuya Ajji

  3. Dear Gowri

    Your short story highlights the love for animals. Especially pet animals give us lots of comfort. They need special care during old age.

    Keep writing short stories like this more and more.

    Your Tata
    Lakshminarayana K

  4. always take care of those who take care of you. especially those without a voice
    what a lovely story, gowri


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